Services Included In A Normal Pool Opening
- Removal of winter cover
- Removal of water tubes and ice equalizers
- Installation of ladders, handrails and drop in stairs
- Removal of winter plugs, gizmos, and skimmer faceplates
- Installation of directional (eyeball fittings) and baskets
- Brush pool walls and skim debris off water surface
- Rinse pool deck
- Connection and inspection of filter, pump and heater
- Start up and inspection of automated systems including chemical feeders
- Overall inspection of all pool equipment
- Addition of liquid shock and algaecide to chlorine, salt and nature 2 pools; addition of algaecide to pools using baquacil.
Services Included In A Normal Pool Closing
- Filling and installation of water tubes
- Installation of winter cover, adjustment for safety covers to ensure a tight fit
- Installation of winter plugs, gizmos and skimmer faceplates
- Inflation and installation of air pillows
- Winterization of pool lines and addition of antifreeze when necessary
- Disconnecting hoses from filter and pump
- Removal of automatic pool cleaners and floating chemical dispensers
- Removal of ladders, handrails
- Removal of safety lines, timer on/off dogs and shut down breakers when accessible
- Drain/ clean pumps, de and cartridge filters, remove drain plug from sand filters
- Overall inspection of pool equipment
- Addition of liquid shock and winter grade algaecide for chlorine and salt pools, addition of winter grade algaecide to baquacil pools